Website Design

Looking Good

Looking good is an important factor in Website Design, but just like with so many pretty people, looks will only get you so far. The message, architecture and voice of your site is what will really get you a second date. Good Website Design is developed around a persona or a personality that needs to be established to help communicate the substance of your company’s existance. Of course it has to look good, but that should never be an issue considering all the great design talent in the world. I guess it could be an issue if a programmer is designing your site, but rest assuered, we keep that work with our seasoned designers at 2020 interactive.

Running Good

It’s what’s on the inside that counts. Yes we have great programmers too. That is why our sites perform so well and provide such great results.

In addition to our great designs, our technology services are performed by seasoned coders and programmers. Beware of great designers that want to code your site. Our experience has proven that designers and programmers use different parts of their brains. That is why we leave the design to designers and the coding to programmers.

Strategic Design Approach

A strategic design approach means that we never try to fit your business into any predetermined design sytle that happens to work well for someone else. We always design our sites around the needs of the visitors who come to your website. These people are here for a reason and your site should be designed around the desire to serve those needs.

While serving your visitors needs it is the perfect time to tell them your story and capitalize on the fact that you have their attention (at least for the moment). Here is where you need to position your company, products and services versus your competition (who’s website they will probably visit next) and differentiate yourself. If you have not differentated yourself yet, pick up the phone immediately and call us. This is what can make all the difference in the world and we can help.

This Area is Widget-Ready

You can place here any widget you want!

You can also display any layout saved in Divi Library.

Let’s try with contact form: